Monday, October 4, 2010

Sleeping patterns =)

The daylight saving has ruined my sleep pattern!
I can't get my body to sleep at the correct time anymore, because of the 1 hour advance in time. It has really thrown me off!
I hope that I will be able to be up early tomorrow morning because that is when the long weekend finishes, lately I have been sleeping in everyday.

I have heard about some sleeping patterns of people they use to concentrate the maximum they can.
Some patterns are like 20minute snoozes, I wonder how they manage that in class hehe, maybe I will look into that if it is a good idea for me.

Mesty =)


Waldo09 said...

haha, everyday i go to sleep like an hour late, and i end up being right on time for three days out of the month haha.

Roberto said...

very interesting dude, im going to sleep! :P (2)

Slumph said...

I'm a bad example for sleeping patterns..

Anonymous said...

dont worry you ll be good in a week at most

KTOTHES said...

You're on the bottom side of the world. Is it really going to be summer for you?!

Longkid said...

Yeah I have night shifts where I live so I never get to see friend anymore :( Sleeping patterns can reallt screw with you... o.o

SaviorSelf said...

i've already wanted to try that sleeping schedule that allows you to stay up all night during the weekend.. seemed extremely interesting.

good luck with your sleep schedule!

The Blind Prophet said...

Awww sorry you're missing out on sleep! Yeah I've heard of those sleeping schedules also... maybe it is worth a look.

anontcotrol said...

That sucks :( Daylight savings can be a bitch :(

Ceedo said...

It's called the Uberman. It's pretty crazy. Too bad its very hard to fit 20 minute naps into a normal person's schedule.

The Greater Spartan said...

LOL i hardly sleep...-_-

Archivist X0042 said...

i used to work nights until i got laid off.

Ken said...

I'm actually in the process of fixing my own sleep patterns so I can go lucid more often

killerkun said...

you can fix it with your food, i read something like that the other day, you just have to keep eating at the same times you are supposed to or something like that

Abul said...

oh god..after pattern is ruied too...I wake up at like 4 am and go to school feeling dead..No fun :(

Vai said...

my sleeping habits are all screwed up. but I have heard of those supposedly hyper-efficient sleep schedules. there's no way you'd be able to do it if you're in class all day, but I dunno. kinda interesting to think about.

Engelhart said...

I'm glad that my state doesn't have daylight savings. TThey sound like a pain in the ass.

Adrien said...

The 20 minute schedule is pretty hard to get into. It takes a week or two for your body to adapt to the new rhythm. If you're unlucky, your body won't adapt at all.

Joshua said...

Sleeping patterns are bad and how long has yours been?

thecatzpajamas said...

duude right now i cant sleep past 4am. IT REALLY SUCKS :(

roemiebum said...

lol ive been having troulbe sleeping too lately.
some nights i get maybe 2 hours sleep.

Anonymous said...

sleep? What is this sleep you speak of? :)

Crammarc said...

ugh I hate that!

pixel said...

daylight savings starts early over there, we have like 5 more weeks before the switch here in the US

Max Steel said...

I hate when time changes over :/

Futomara said...

Have you tried sleeping in the pouch of a roo? said...

i sleep daily

Unknown said...

Yeah daylight savings messes up a lot of people. Its a known fact that traffic accidents increase on the Monday right after time changes.